As superhero movie is a relatively high emotional type of movie, I am curious that how people will use emoji to express their feel about the movies.
I picked a movies to take the first look to this analysis. Since tweets is a quite trendy thing, I picked Black Panther, which is the most recent superhero movie.
For this analysis, I am going to collect tweets and count the emoji in every tweet. Once I got the count, I will create a bar chart for Top 10 emoji relating to the movie.
Firstly I collected the tweets with #BlackPanther, and the chunk of the data is showed as below.
The most important part in this data is text that contains emojis. For example, this one, “ Sterling K. Brown in#BlackPanther though 👌”.
By translating the emoji from code to symbol and counting the frequency, I have listed the top 10 emojis with #BlackPanther.
name dens count rank
1 raised fist 23.5 92 1
2 person raising both hands in celebration 14.3 56 2
3 fire 13.3 52 3
4 smiling face with heart-shaped eyes 12.8 50 4
5 face with tears of joy 10.7 42 5
6 loudly crying face 8.4 33 6
7 heavy black heart 7.9 31 7
8 clapping hands sign 6.6 26 8
9 hundred points symbol 5.4 21 9
10 smiling face with sunglasses 4.3 17 10
Now let’s see it in graph.
To me, it shows quite match what this movie is, especially the first and the third emoji, ✊ and 🔥. At the same time, overall basically all the top emojis shows a positive react on the movie. This indicating an rather promising sentiment toward the movie.
Now let’s see how emjis looks in the main character, T’Challa. I searched with #Tchalla.
Here is the top 10 emojis.
While we can see couple of the emojis are same with #blackpanther, there are a few are different, like 👑. To our knowledge, this is specifically to T’Challa since he is a king in the movie.
Last, I want to see how it is for #wakanda, which is where is the nation T’Challa is ruling. And here is the result.
What is interesting is that there is an earth globe europe-africa emoji — 🌍. With no surprise, it is where Wakanda locate!
To conclude, before truly watching the movie, one can make the following assumption just by seeing the emoji analysis with key hashtag.
- Black Panther is a movie about a king (or at least a royal member) — 👑
- The story is probably taken in Africa. — 🌍
- It might be a Adventure or Action movie. — ✊, 🔥.